Ducks for Sale
Our Home Bred Ducks/Ducklings
We breed several types of ducks here at Wishing Wells Farm. All our ducks and ducklings are put out to pasture as soon as they are able for it, depending on their age. We mainly breed the non flying types so they are suitable for all situations.

Below is a list of Ducks available:
- THE INDIAN RUNNER: WHITES, FAWN + WHITE and THE SAXONYAND MORE: We have various types of Runners. They are an upright bird and very interesting to watch. Tame quite easily. Non flyers-intelligent and can lay up to 200 good sized eggs a year. The Drakes also make lovely pets.
- THE AYLESBURY:Good producer of eggs,get to a lovely big size as they mature.These ducks are full of Character and love to chat, a typical Puddle Duck.
- MUSCOVY DUCKS:These Ducks are a treat to be around,they become very tame and unlike other ducks are very quiet. They come in an aray of colours,the males can get quite big.They wag their tales when happy.Thay can fly quite well so wings will be clipped if wanted but they are very good at homing in.
- CALL DUCKS:These are minature ducks with a big personality,the feamles can be very vocal sounding like a constant Laugh ha.They produce a smaller egg and are not as prolific as other breeds,they come in various colours.

Ducks Curently Available
- Aylesburys
- Magpie
- Indian Runners
- Indian Runners
- Muscovy

We sell everything you need for your livestock and more...
- Duck Runs
- Duck Housing
- Pest Control
- Duck Wire
- Duck Bedding
- Duck Feeders
- Duck Pools
- Duck Waterers
- Pest Control
- Chicken Wire
- Chicken Bedding
- Chicken Feeders