Geese for Sale
Our Home Bred Geese / Goslings
We breed three types of geese here at Wising Wells Farm inlcuding: The Embden, The Chinese,
The Toulouse Dewlap
All of which have access to pasture as soon as they are able for it. Our Geese are available at all ages. This year we had 80+ Embden goslings roaming the fields here, the majority of which were purchased by a farm
in Somerset.

Below is a list of Ducks available:
- THE EMBDEN: A traditional favourite, with a lovely pure white plumage. This goose originated in Northern Europe. Big heavy birds dual purpose in that it is a good egg layer and meat bird. These do become very friendly.
- THE CHINESE: An elegant bird that comes from the Swan goose. A lighter bird with a smaller carriage, also known as the Knob fronted goose. These are very chatty birds as goslings and are a joy to rear as they become very tame. Thay make excellent watchdogs. They are also good egg layers. We breed the grey and white.
- THE TOULOUSE DEWLAP: These are what I would call a cuddly goose and have a whole lot of character; they also become very tame and will follow you everywhere. This bird was bred in France primarily for its meat. They possess (when older) very obvious dewlaps hanging from the throat region.

We sell everything you need for your livestock and more...
- Duck Runs
- Duck Housing
- Pest Control
- Duck Wire
- Duck Bedding
- Duck Feeders
- Duck Pools
- Duck Waterers
- Pest Control
- Chicken Wire
- Chicken Bedding
- Chicken Feeders